Thursday, January 31, 2013

Photo A Day Recap: Week 5

28: Through: It was very snowy this day and Penny and I were worried about Charlie making it home alright. He finally did come through the door. It took him about 45 minutes than usual but he was home safe. I always know when Charlie is coming home because Penny gets up and runs around the living room with glee waiting for him to come in the door. It's very cute.

29: Grow: This was a super lame cop out. I have killed every plant I've ever owned, so we have no growing things in our house. I used to worry that my undefeated record for killing plants would not bode well for having pets of babies. Then I figured out that if plants cried or whined when they were hungry or needed water I would remember to feed and water them. So my lame photo of the day was of a painting of plants that I made several years ago. It reminds me that I have too many hobbies, and not enough time, since I hardly ever paint anymore.

30: Down: Are you sick of me posting pictures of Penny? I hope not because the madness continues. When we come home and get ready to take Penny outside she gets really excited and runs downstairs and waits by the door. It's adorable. If you look close her tail is a blur because it's wagging.

31: Yourself: My new watch came in the mail today and I had to test it out. I got all sweaty, wet/muddy (I fell) and then remembered I was supposed to take a picture of myself today for the challenge. Oops. So here's me all gross, and my new pink watch.

I have about 12 hours to decide if I am going to do the February challenge. Here are the prompts if you're so inclined to join.

Have you gotten anything new lately?



  1. i can't decide if i'm doing it either. . . im thinking about taking the month off. I was supposed to get something new today and was all set to use it for my day 31 prompt too . . . but then it was unavailable (*see my photo-a-days). xoxo

  2. Love how you've titled your photos of the day! Super cute pup, too. "Down" is my fave!


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