Thursday, July 28, 2011

That Was Easy: Collection Display Fix

Hello! Do you remember when I posted last year about my purse collection? Well, for my bachelorette party my dear friend Allie gave me another adorable vintage beaded purse. Isn't it fantastic?

I love it. I was so happy to get such a thoughtful gift and I knew it would be perfect for using at the wedding, which I did. It held a stack of tissues, and about 20 bobby pins, and I think I used all of each supply.

After the wedding craziness wore off and I unpacked everything I knew I had to find a way to display my new purse on the wall with the others. But how oh how could I when the purse does not have any straps or handles?

Today the solution came to me. I took a piece of ribbon, and tied it around both side of the purse flap. Then screwed two hooks into the wall the correct distance apart and then hung the ribbon from the hooks.

The ribbon still showed however so I just twisted the hooks down a bit and now my strapless purse can hang from the wall with my other purses.

Aren't they all just so cute you could squeal? 

I also decided to put an index card inside each purse so that I can write down when I used it and for what occasion. I think it will be fun to look back in a few years and remember where the purses have been, besides displayed on the wall.

That's all for now.


1 comment:

  1. Ooooo look at that pretty quilt in the background of your last picture!! Teehe ;)


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