I realized there are not any recent pictures of our home here. I've been posting some on Instagram, but not everyone follows me there. Hi Dad! So here are some shots of our home.
Blaze devours books if we leave them on the shelf, rendering this book shelf mostly useless, except for holding plants.
We decided to get a landline phone since no one could reach us via cell phone due to poor reception. With the landline basic cable was only $4 a month, and with the Olympics fast approaching we figured it would be a good time to get cable. And therefore a new (slightly bigger) TV. I have also been slowly adding to the art wall behind the TV.
This area is pretty much the same, but who can resist those cute faces?
I think this post could also be titled, "Look Lauren Can Keep Plants Alive!" I have killed very few plants, and as of a most recent count have 24 house plants. I am quickly running out of places to put plants but that does not seem to stop me from buying them. Next on my list of plants I'd like, is an air plant (or 9). Along with buying plants I also really like buying mismatched plates and bowls to hold the plants.
I'm still so happy we painted the kitchen.
Look! More plants. I'm still trying to figure out what type of artwork to put on the walls here. I'd also like a small cabinet to put the phone and modems on/in so they aren't out.
This weekend my Dad and Step Mom came and installed a light outside the bedroom window so I can flip a switch from bed at night and watch the snow.
Plants and dogs, this is my life.
We are slowly starting to figure out the rest of the house and will be doing something with this room soon. Honestly, I can't believe the red stripe hasn't been painted over yet. We'll get there.
Lastly, around here there is quite a bit of snow, but I am not complaining.