- Don't eat out- we just got back from a three day vacation where we ate out almost every meal, so I think it'll do my wallet, GI system, and waistline some good to go without eating out.
- Just don't go into stores- can't buy things if I don't see them. Pretty obvious.
- If I "need" something, I'll make it, or wait- With the exception of the three air plants I just bought, most of my purchases are spur of the moment, and not thought out whatsoever. Taking a month to figure out if I really want something will be good for me. I've also noticed that going out looking for things I don't really need has taken away from the time I could be spending making things anyways. I have enough fabric for at least 4 outfits I've been thinking about making.
Things I am allowed to buy:
- Food- fasting for a month is not feasible. If we go somewhere thought I will bring food from home, to keep from eating out or buying crap at the gas station. No more Doritos or Smartfood. I almost always pack lunch during the week, but doing so on the weekends will save money too.
- Gas- I can't walk to work anymore so this is a must. Not spending gas money to drive to Concord since I won't be shopping will save some money though.
- Bills- mortgage, cell phones, internet, and electricity. Much as I've tried I can't think of a way out of these things.
- Skiing tickets- skiing keeps me from going off the deep end in the winter so although this is a luxury it's a must for my sanity. We have been saving receipts and doing this promo.
That's the plan. Let's hope I can stick to it. Wish me luck.
I have all the respect for people who do this. I hope you can do it cause I have tried and failed (restaurants are a b). As someone who hates almost every possession they have I have to say less is more. Is this money motivated or stuff motivated?